Thursday, April 19, 2012

I'm Back!


It has been forever since I've posted here... eep...

My life has kind of turned upside down since my last post here. I've moved away to a bigger metropolitan area where I can get more professional singing gigs.

When I first moved, however, there was not much singing going on besides what I did in the shower. The full-time job I had taken had a full schedule that just didn't permit me to do any serious performing. I did find an amazing vocal coach and so I spent a lot of time studying and fixing technique.

Now the busy season is over and I've been picking up some singing gigs, which is making me very happy. I just finished up a run of La Boheme with an opera company and I auditioned for another company last night. I also have a concert and a competition coming up at the end of the month, so that's taking up most of my free time.

The big piece I'm singing for the concert is the Gavotte from Massanet's "Manon." It's a spectacular aria and it has been preformed by a great many wonderful sopranos. I think my favorite is Natalie Dessay's rendition, by far... probably because she's a native French speaker and can really  do wonderful contextual things with the piece.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling and share it with you!

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