In the meantime, I shall leave you with another recording of our choir, which is quite lovely. It's Palestrina's Sicut Cervus, and again I will note that our full choir was not present for the session and the recording has not been altered at all. Husband and I are both on this recording, I singing the soprano line with our choir director, and Husband singing the bass part with another of the schola members. I will note that the tenor and alto lines are performed by a father and his daughter (who is only 14!!), and I think the similarities in their voices has done wonderful things for the blend of our little choir. As one choir member so aptly said, the recording "sounds like you're floating on a cloud."
Also, for anyone interested, one of the stories I was working on over the summer (another SW fan fiction) has been posted online. This one was tricky because I was inspired to write in 3rd person present tense, which brings with it all sorts of interesting complications when writing. (Oh Muse, why must you be so difficult??) Overall, I must say that I enjoyed the voicing of the piece, and I'm working on finishing the second part in my free time. Let me know what you think either here or in the thread! Permanent-
That's all for now, but hopefully I'll hear back from my contact later today and have the other post up by tomorrow afternoon!
Text to the Sicut Cervus-
Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum, ita desiderat anima mea ad te Deus.
As a deer longs for springs of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.
(From Psalm 42)
I've just discovered your blog - excellent stuff... you're now on my blogroll.
(And I have no idea why I didn't find you before!!)
Welcome! And thank you! :)
Hi! I've have never left a comment before, but had to when I heard your choir recordings! I sing with a Gregorian Chant / Polyphony choir as well, and just this past weekend we sang Sicut Cervus -- it's one of my favorites! :-)
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