Sunday, July 18, 2010

In Which Soaring Soprano Is Having...


Yes, despite the lateness of the hour, I am having a cup of tea. Ironically, it's English Breakfast. But I suppose that can't be helped, being that it's the only kind of tea I like, currently.

Honestly, I'd have a coffee if I wasn't trying to kill my coffee addiction. Tea is much better for my singing voice. I've been pretty successful so far, too. I've been coffee free for 2 weeks.

But, yeah. It's late... and I'm drinking tea... and Blogging... and eating pizza.


I don't know, to tell you the truth. I've got so many thoughts zipping around in my brain right now, and I'm not quite sure how to settle them properly. I know I should deal with them one at a time, but if I had to line my thoughts up in a queue, I wouldn't quite know which one should come first...

It's just been one of those days.

I mean, it was a good day by all accounts. God made the day so it had to be good. I had a lovely chat with a friend over a cup of tea in the morning. I had another lovely chat with a different friend over lunch. I found two new shirts and a skirt on sale at the mall (all three of which are pink... Girly much? Och). I had a nice swim in the afternoon, and Mom made a fantastic dinner. I had another long chat with two friends after dinner, which was good. I got home to find that the two books I had ordered had arrived, and now I've got another nice cup of tea to close the day. Oh, and I discovered that one of my stories has been nominated for a writing award. So, yes, it's been a good day.

Maybe it's all the chatting that's got my mind racing... I don't know... I suppose it's something to lay at the foot of the Cross tomorrow morning. I'll let Our Lord help me sort out my thoughts, because Heaven knows I can't right now.

If there's anything that I have to say right at this moment that has any kind of meaning, it's this: Cherish and treasure the friends that God has given you, because true friends are rare and precious blessings, and be sure never to take them for granted.

That is all.

*goes off to finish her tea*

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