Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Angel

I just wanted to share this darling picture with my readers. It is of my youngest brother playing dress up, and I thought it was fitting for this time of the year. He does not really have a head of curly hair like that. My other brothers stuck a wig on his blonde little head, and he was quite proud of his newly found 'do. As you can see, he's a ham for the camera.

Happy Third Week of Advent, everyone!

Little E, proudly showing off his wings.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Feast Day!

Wishing all of my readers a Blessed Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

Ave Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis!

Wisdom and Edible Origami

This may seem really random, but occasionally I find that Fortune Cookies go beyond being badly translated Chinese proverbs and actually say something meaningful.

Case in point would be the following piece of wisdom that I pulled out of the cookie that came with my Sesame Chicken the other night:

The way to get to the top is to get off your bottom.

I laughed and promptly tacked the fortune on my bulletin board.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It Has Arrived!!

Oh Joy! Thank the Lord for free express shipping from Barnes & Noble! Seriously, the amount of waiting time saved makes the thirty-some dollar yearly fee worth every penny... never mind that 1-3 day shipping is free for everything!

I've been looking forward to the arrival of this book since I finished Allies over the summer. Honestly, Allies tore me up, and I wasn't able to even re-read the thing, which is my habit to do before embarking upon the newest book in the series, to ensure that I don't forget anything important. Certainly, Allies wasn't a BAD book by any means. It was actually a very GOOD book... and in truth, it was too good, because it ensnared me emotionally right from the first chapter.

I don't think I have been so emotionally involved in a novel since my last re-read of Little Women a few years back. And I'll say that it inspired some of my best writing to date.

Christie Golden writes a good book. What more can be said?

I really hope this is the case with Vortex. I hope Denning successfully picks up where Golden left off and, as much as I hated it, I hope I'm as drawn in by his writing as I was by Golden's. If Denning manages to do half as well as he did with Star by Star (which still makes me cry), then I think I shall be very pleased indeed.

I apologise for the geekiness of this post, but it really can't be helped. *sheepish grin*

I do promise, however, that normal programming will return after Vortex has been read, digested, and commented upon.

Until such time, May the Force be with you! ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A New Nifty Blog Gadget... For Advent!

Many thanks to Mulier Fortis who drew attention to the very neat Gadget that is now adorning the right side of the screen.

The Advent wreath comes from The Curt Jester and it will even light more candles as Advent progresses!

So far so good with my Advent resolutions, although I almost forgot about the dessert one at supper. I almost said "Yes" to the .99 bakery treat when the Panera cashier asked me if I wanted to add one to my order. Thankfully, my Guardian Angel gave me a swift nudge and disaster was avoided.